Posted Monday September 9, 2019

The Oregon Department of Forestry has terminated the Regulated Use Closure dated July 25, 2019. Open fires are now allowed on Langdon Lake property. Open fires include campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires, warming fires, tiki torches, candles and other sources that cannot be turned off with a valve. Propane fires pits and Traeger-style wood burning grills are also now allowed.

Below is the termination document issued by the Oregon Department of Forestry, dated 9/9/2019.

Kate Brown, Governor

Department of Forestry
Northeast Oregon District
611 20th Street La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: (541) 963-3168
FAX: (541) 962-1058

September 9, 2019

Contact: Jamie Knight, (541) 786-2039

Regulated-Use Closure terminated on lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry
Fire Season still in effect

As of 12:01 am, September 10, 2019, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has terminated the Regulated- Use Closure, or Public Use Restrictions for forestlands protected by the Northeast Oregon District. Due to moderating weather and seasonal temperatures and precipitation, the closure and the associated fire prevention restrictions are no longer necessary. Campfires fires are now allowed with landowner permission. Steve Meyer, Baker Wildland Fire Supervisor, cautions “The recent precipitation has been welcome across the region. Although we seem to have entered a fall weather pattern, it’s important to stay aware of how quickly conditions can change. A warm or breezy day can dry the lighter fuels out and we can quickly be back into a dangerous fire situation. Making sure that campfires and burn barrels are always attended is a good step towards fire safety. Ensure the fire is dead out before leaving.”

While Public Use fire restrictions have eased, Fire Season remains in effect for private, state, county, municipal and tribal lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry. Burn permits are required for all open fires (except campfires), debris burns and burn barrels. ODF will still need to issue a burn permit for any open burns or burn barrels within the protection district until weather conditions warrant an end to fire season.

The Northeast Oregon District includes lands in the following counties: Union, Baker, Umatilla, Wallowa and small portions of Grant, Morrow and Malheur counties.

To obtain a burn permit from ODF, call your local ODF office:
La Grande Unit (541)963-3168
Baker City Sub-Unit (541)523-5831
Wallowa Unit (541)886-2881
Pendleton Unit (541)276-3491

Fire restrictions may differ on lands protected by rural fire departments or lands managed by the US Forest Service or BLM. Check local regulations before burning. More information on fire restrictions can be found the Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center website at www.bmidc.org.

To report a fire, call the Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center at (541)963-7171, or dial 9-1-1.

http://bluemountainfireinfo.blogspot.com/ is your spot for current fire information in the Blue Mountains.


Posted Friday July 26, 2019

Below is a copy of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Regulated Closure Proclamation, which is now in effect.

There are no designated locations on Langdon Lake property for open fires during a regulated closure. See Section 4 of the Langdon Lake Rules and Guidelines booklet for Association rules in following the Department of Forestry’s proclamation. See below of additions and amendments to that rule.

The Langdon Lake Association Board of Directors adopted the following rules at its February 4, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting.

a. Open fires are prohibited per the Oregon Department of Forestry when regulated closures are posted. Fires prohibited include campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires, warming fires, tiki torches, candles and other sources that cannot be turned off with a valve. PROPANE FIRE PITS AND TRAEGER-STYLE WOOD BURNING GRILLS ARE PROHIBITED (NOTE: NEW CHANGE BY THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY).

The Langdon Lake Association website will also give updated information of burning. Note that while open burning and fire pit burning are not allowed when the signs are posted, portable stoves, cooking devices and barbeques that use propane or liquid gas are permitted.


Number 01
Effective 12:01 a.m., PDT, July 25, 2019

By virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of ORS 477.535 to 477.550, I
hereby proclaim a Regulated Closure to be in effect in the following subject area:

All lands protected by the Northeast Oregon Forest Protection District and all
forestland within one-eighth mile thereof.
Under this Regulated Closure it is unlawful to be in violation of the following restrictions:

• Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except in vehicles on improved roads, in boats on the water or at a cleared area free of flammable vegetation.

• Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except at designated locations. Designated locations within the Regulated Use Closure area are available at each ODF office. Designated locations within the Oregon State Parks system include but are not limited to: Emigrant Springs, Ukiah Dale, Catherine Creek, Hilgard Junction, Red Bridge, Wallowa Lake, Minam and Unity Lake.

• Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. Open fires are allowed if conducted in compliance with a valid Burning Permit issued pursuant to ORS 477.515.

• Non-Industrial use of chain saws is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Chain saw use is permitted at all other hours, if the following fire fighting equipment is present
with each operating saw: one axe, one shovel, and one 8 ounce or larger fire extinguisher.
In addition, a fire watch is required at least one hour following the use of each saw.

• Possession of the following fire fighting equipment is required while traveling, except on state
highways, county roads and driveways: one shovel and one gallon of water or one 2½ pound
or larger fire extinguisher.

• Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is prohibited, between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and
8:00 p.m. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is permitted at all other hours, if conducted
in a cleared area and if a water supply is present.

• The mowing of dry, cured grass with power driven equipment is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural

• Any electric fence controller in use shall be: 1) Listed be a nationally recognized testing laboratory or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services; and 2) Operated in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions.

• Use of fireworks is prohibited.

Aside from these restrictions, also prohibited throughout fire season is the use of exploding targets and tracer ammunition.

Debris burning is prohibited, except in burn barrels for which a
Burning Permit has been issued pursuant to ORS 477.515.

The Forester may, in writing, approve a modification or waiver of these requirements.

These restrictions shall remain in effect until replaced, suspended, or terminated by an additional
proclamation of the Forester.

Maps of the subject area may be viewed at the State Forester’s Office, in Salem, Oregon, and at principal offices of the Forest Protection District.
Definitions of words and phrases used in this proclamation may be found in ORS 477.001, OAR 629-041-0005.

Joe Hessel, District Forester
Northeast Oregon District
Oregon Department of Forestry
July 23, 2019


Posted Tuesday July 2, 2019

The Association wishes each of you a safe and happy 4th of July holiday.

As a reminder for homeowners and their guests, the Association has a rule of:

“No fireworks of any kind may be ignited on home site property, common
areas, reserved areas or over the lake at any time.”

There will be a $1,000.00 fine assessed to any homeowner or guest on all Lake site property caught using fireworks of any kind at any time. Please see Page 5, Section 3 of the green Rules and Guidelines booklet.

Stay safe and enjoy the holiday.