
Rules and Guidelines
Langdon Lake Association
Members and Guests
November 2023

  1. 1. General

1.1 The Board of Directors of Langdon Lake Association has adopted the following rules and guidelines to promote a safe, enjoyable, communal environment for all Association members.

1.2 The Board will develop and distribute Rules and Guidelines as necessary to assure that all Leaseholders are notified of their responsibilities in maintaining the safe communal environment. This will include Fireworks, Burning, Use, Maintenance of Structures, Construction and Alterations, Trees, Landscaping, Vehicles, Boats and Personal Watercraft, Animals, Conduct, Snowmobiles, Lawn Irrigation and Fishing.

1.3 The Board will be responsible for the enforcement of the Rules and Guidelines.

1.4 Leaseholders will be responsible for the actions of their families and guests and will be expected to inform anyone using their property of the current Rules and Guidelines.

1.5 Rules and Guidelines Committee
a. The Board of Directors will appoint three members to serve on the Committee. The Chairman of the committee shall also serve on the Board. The Committee shall not be limited to the Board. The Committee shall review, amend and make recommendations to the Board regarding the rules and, guidelines of the Langdon Lake Leaseholders Association. The Board shall be responsible for final approval or denial of those recommendations.
b. The Board will notify all Leaseholders of all rules and guidelines changes or amendments.
c. Leaseholders may request a new rule or guideline, an amendment or an exception to the current rules by submitting a written request to the Committee, outlining the reason(s) for the requested change or exception. The Committee will submit the request along with a recommendation to the Board. Leaseholders will be notified of the Board’s decision regarding the request.

1.6 Architectural Review Committee
a. The Board of Directors will appoint three members to serve on this committee. The Chairman of the committee shall also serve on the Board of Directors. The Committee shall review plans for construction and alterations and make on-site inspections.
b. The Architectural Review Committee may, at its discretion, allow variances from the strict application of any of the rules and guidelines if it appears a variance will not interfere with the rights of other members
c. The Committee will notify all adjoining leaseholders of major changes that are being requested prior to a final Committee decision so that their concerns can be fully addressed.
d. Applications submitted to the Architectural Review Committee must include a start and finish date.

  1. 2. Policy for the Enforcement of Langdon Lake Guidelines and Rules

2.1 Payment of Monthly Lease Assessments for Langdon Lake Leaseholders
a. Monthly assessments based on the approved budget are billed quarterly for all Leaseholders.
b. Delinquent accounts of the quarterly Leaseholders and wastewater facility assessments will be turned over to legal counsel selected by the Board of Directors at sixty (60) days past due for collection. The attorney fees for collection of the assessments will be included in the costs to the leaseholder. The law office will request that payment be sent to the law office for forwarding to the Association office.
1. A $25.00 per month late fee will be charged for payments not received by the beginning of the next   quarterly billing period. In addition, 1.5% per month will be assessed on the balance due.
c. Special assessments will be managed by the terms of the “Special Assessment.”
d. Any issuer of a check returned to Langdon Lake Association for the reason of non- sufficient funds shall be assessed a $25.00 charge.
e. The Association will charge a fee of $150.00 to process an assignment of a home site lease.

  1. 2.2 Notice of Rules Infraction, Notice of Rules Infraction Form, Notice Letter and Assessment of Fines
    a. A verbal warning shall be given to the Leaseholder by a Board member, the Langdon Lake Leaseholders Caretaker or another Leaseholder when there is a first violation of the Rules and Guidelines (except for major violations: Fireworks, Burning When Prohibited, Unauthorized Removal of Trees and Snowmobiles on the Lake out of Season.)
  2.     1.  Contact the Leaseholder to discuss the violation within 48 hours.  Or contact a Board member to discuss the violation with the Leaseholder.
  3.     2.  Advise the Langdon Lake office of the contact if the situation is resolved.
  4.     3.  Complete a “Notice of Rules Infraction” form within 48 hours if verbal contact did not resolve the issue.
  5.     4. The Rules and Guidelines Committee will contact both parties to assess violation.
  6. b. The first violation occurrence will result in a verbal warning. Second and subsequent violations will result in a written notice, with the second occurrence a $250.00 fine, the third occurrence a $500 fine, and the fourth occurrence a $1,000.00 fine.  Additional actions may be taken by the Board of Directors depending upon the severity of the violation.
  7. c. A “Notice of Rules Infraction” form will be completed and sent to the Langdon Lake Leaseholders Association office within 48 hours when the violation is a major violation and/or a second or subsequent violation.
    d. The Board of Directors will send a letter of notification of the rules infraction and a copy of the “Notice of Rules Infraction” form to the Leaseholder within 15 days. The letter will note the infraction and any Leaseholder action needed to resolve the infraction in the specified amount of time or the amount of the fine.
    e. FINES ASSESSED ARE TO BE PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS. Fines not paid in 30 days will be assessed a 9% late fee per month. Fines not paid may result in a lien placed on the Leaseholders cabin and may be turned over to legal counsel by the Board at sixty (60) days past due for collection. The attorney fees for collection of the fines will be included in the cost to the Leaseholder.
  8. f. In the case of a non-monetary default for failure to perform other obligations and such default is not cured within a set period, the Langdon Lake Association may:
  9.     1. enter the offending homesite and remove the cause of such violation, or alter, repair or change the item which is in violation and may assess the Leaseholder the entire cost of the work done.
  10.     2. bring suite or action to enforce the Lease and the Leaseholder shall pay all costs and expenses incurred in such suit or action.
  11. g. The Association from time to time may adopt, modify or revoke such rules and regulations governing the conduct of person and the operation and use of the Subject Homesite and the Common Areas as it may deem necessary or appropriate in order to assure the peaceful and orderly use and enjoyment of the project.
  12. 2.3 Leaseholder Appeal of Rules Infraction and/or Fine
    a. A Leaseholder may dispute the Rules Infraction and/or Fine by sending a letter to the Board of Directors at the Langdon Lake Leaseholders Association office.
  13.     1. The appeal letter must be sent within 15 days of receipt of a Rules Infraction letter.
  14.     2. The appeal letter must explain why there is or was no violation.
    b. The Board will review the appeal letter and respond to the Leaseholder in writing within 15 days of receiving the letter.

3 Fireworks

3.1 No fireworks of any kind may be ignited on home site property, common areas, reserved areas or over the lake.

3.2 There will be no warning. A fine of $1,000.00 will be assessed to any Leaseholder or guest caught using fireworks of any kind on home site property, common areas, reserved areas or over the lake at any time.

Recreation Fire Pits

4.1 Permanent fire pits should be constructed to the recommended Oregon Department of Forestry design. If you have a question, the Caretaker will review your fire pit for suggestions and authorizing use.

4.2 Portable wood burning fire pits are allowed when fire danger is at a low or moderate level.  A 3-foot area around and above the pit must be cleared of any material that will carry fire.

4.3 The Langdon Lake Caretaker will coordinate “NO BURN” signs with Forestry Departments and local conditions around the lake.

4.4 All burn notification regulations posted by the US Department of Forestry and Oregon Department of Forestry supersede any notification by Langdon Lake Association. The Association and its members are regulated by the Oregon Department of Forestry and must comply with its rules regarding Regulated Closures during fire season when a regulation of closure prohibits open fires.

4.5 The Langdon Lake Caretaker will place a “NO BURN” sign at the Kiosk Building and on Langdon Lake property at the first entrance road, just past Woodward Park. The Caretaker will post the signs providing notification of unsafe fire conditions. BURNING IS PROHIBITED WHEN THE SIGN IS POSTED. Having a fire when a “NO BURN” sign is posted is a violation of your lease agreement.
a. Open fires are prohibited per the Oregon Department of Forestry when regulated closures are posted. Fires prohibited include campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires, warming fires, tiki torches, candles, Traeger-Style wood burning grills and other sources that cannot be turned off with a valve. PROPANE FIRE PITS ARE ALLOWED PROVIDED THAT A 3 FOOT AREA AROUND THE PIT IS CLEAR OF FLAMMABLE MATERIAL AND THE FLAME HEIGHT IS KEPT TO A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET. (NOTE: NEW CHANGE BY THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY).

4.6 There will be no warning. A fine of $1,000.00 will be assessed to any home site that has an open fire when the “NO BURN” sign has been posted.

4.7 The Langdon Lake Association website will also give updated information of burning. Note that while open burning and wood fire pit burning are not allowed when the signs are posted, portable stoves, cooking devices and barbeques that use propane or liquid gas are permitted.

  1. 5 Use

5.1 All lots at Langdon Lake shall be used exclusively for member family residential purposes. Use of the property for Residential or Commercial income is prohibited.

5.2 Outbuildings, trailers, or recreational vehicles may not be used for sleeping or living purposes. Motor Homes, RVs and Campers are not to be parked at the Lake. Members and their guests are welcome to drive their campers and motor homes to their cabins only for “pick up and drop off” purposes. The narrow roadways at the Lake must be clear at all times to allow access for emergency vehicles. Tollgate Historical Society has parking for rent of unoccupied temporary parking of a camper or motor home while guests visit at your cabin.

5.3 All garbage and refuse of any kind should be removed from the premises regularly.  Household garbage may be placed in the dumpsters, on the south side of the lake, during the season(s) when household garbage service is provided.  Lawn trimmings, branch removals and other burnable yard debris may be taken to designated disposal area.  No building construction debris, metal, old household furniture or appliances shall be placed in the dumpsters or the designated disposal area.  The Association may have such materials removed and charge the expense of such removal to the Leaseholder.

5.4 All buildings should be maintained in a good state of repair.  Maintenance shall include, without limitation, painting, repair, replacement and care of roofs, gutters, exterior building surfaces and other exterior improvements.  All trees, shrubs, trees, grass, and plantings of any kind shall be neatly trimmed and free of trash, weeds or other unsightly materials.  When damage occurs, it should be repaired promptly.  Please contact the Architectural Review Committee with any repair questions.

5.5 Unless prior approval is obtained from the Architectural Review Committee, no signs of any kind may be displayed on any building or on any lot. Exceptions to this rule would include a member’s 911 address designation and the member’s family name affixed to the cabin or suitable outbuilding. One “FOR SALE” sign may be affixed to the cabin. Signs of any kind affixed to trees are not conducive to the forest experience at the Lake and are strictly prohibited.

5.6 Antenna towers are not permitted without the written approval of the Architectural Review Committee. This restriction does not apply to common television antenna or satellite dishes with a diameter of less than 24 inches.

5.7 Car parts, appliances, and immobile vehicles shall not be stored on any property at Langdon Lake.

5.8 Hazardous materials, including gasoline, fuel oil, and propane shall not be stored on the premises unless used in a presently existing home heating system, or for immediate use in a recreational vehicle.

5.9 Burning of any refuse on your lot is prohibited. Small fires, when permitted by the Forest Service, are allowed in outdoor fireplaces or rock ringed pits.

  1. 6 Construction and Alterations

6.1 New construction or any material alteration of any structure needs prior written approval from the Architectural Review Committee.  No improvement shall be commenced, erected, placed or altered on the subject homesite until the construction plans and specifications showing the nature, shape, heights, materials, colors and proposed location of the improvement have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee.  Any and all requests must be submitted to the Committee at least 15 days prior to commencement of the project in order to allow the Committee adequate time for review.  Any request shall include a completed “Architectural Review Committee Check List”, which may be obtained from the Langdon Lake Office.

6.2 Construction, once started, must proceed on a deliberate basis so that all exterior work is completed in a timely manner.

6.3 Matters subject to Architectural Review Committee approval include:
a. Additions or changes to existing structures, decks or changes to building exteriors.
b. Outbuildings
c. Decks, docks, whether fixed or floating, and access walks
d. Security Lighting

6.4 Plans for construction or alteration shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee and shall include all information requested by Umatilla County and/or any other permitting authority.

6.5 Non-reflective earth tones and subdued forest colors are required. This should be considered prior to submitting requests to the Architectural and Review Committee.

  1. 7. Trees (revised 04/30/2024)

7.1  Leaseholders are encouraged to maintain and protect all trees and natural mountain vegetation on their homesite.  However, leaseholders shall be responsible, at their sole cost and expense, for removing dead or dying trees on their homesite along with the removal or topping of trees that otherwise pose a potential safety threat to persons and/or property on adjacent or neighboring homesites.

7.2 Removal or topping of any tree that is larger than six (6) inches in diameter at six (6) feet from the ground level, regardless of the tree’s condition or health, requires written approval from the Architectural Review Committee prior to tree removal or topping.  Written request for tree removal or topping must be made by leaseholder to the Langdon Lake Association office that provides an accompanying recent colored photo of the specific tree and its specific location on the homesite, and the Architectural Review Committee will render its written decision on the tree removal or topping request within fifteen (15) business days thereafter.  There will be no warning:  A fine of $1,000.00 per tree shall be assessed to any leaseholder who removes any tree subject to this Rule 7.2 without obtaining the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee.  Within thirty (30) days from the date of tree removal, all wood, limbs, and other debris from the removed tree must be fully cleaned up and the removed tree’s stump must be removed or otherwise ground down to ground level.

7.3 For purposes of regenerating and maintaining tree plantings on homesites, leaseholders shall be responsible, at their sole cost and expense, to replace a removed tree with a transplanted native species variety tree at least ten (10) feet in height, which replacement tree, at leaseholder’s election, can be obtained from Langdon Lake Historical Society land south of the lake or purchased by leaseholder elsewhere.  All replacement trees shall be subject to the Architectural Review Committee’s (or its designee’s) prior approval as to specific tree type and specific tree planting location, and leaseholder must plant the approved replacement tree at the approved planting location within ninety (90) days from the date of tree removal.  A fine of $500.00 per tree shall be assessed to any leaseholder who fails to comply with the tree replacement requirements of this Rule 7.3.  Upon written request from leaseholder, the Architectural Review Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion, decide to provide leaseholder with a written waiver or modification of the tree replacement requirements under this Rule 7.3.

  1. 8. Landscaping

8.1 No material changes to a lot shall be undertaken without prior written permission from the Architectural Review Committee.

8.2 All lots at Langdon Lake shall be kept free of noxious weeds.

8.3 All plans for paving or graveling of any area of a lot shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee and must receive written approval before proceeding.

8.4 The Architectural Review Committee will not consider fences of any kind for Board approval. Snow depths change constantly at the Lake in winter. Shallow snow-covered fences present a real danger to enthusiasts of many winter recreational activities.

  1. 9. Vehicles

9.1 Vehicles shall be parked off the roads to allow clear access for emergency vehicles at all times.

9.2 Motorcycles, dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATV) can be used at the Lake for transportation to and from off-site recreational areas, to take trash to the dumpsters and to visit other leaseholder cabins. These vehicles are restricted to use only the established roads at the Lake.

9.3 Reckless and unsafe behavior is prohibited on all types of vehicles at the Lake.

10 Boats and Personal Watercraft (amended 5/26/23)

  1. 10.1 The Association only allows motorized watercraft on the Lake that is owned by the Leaseholder and/or a lineal descendant and has a sticker attesting to that fact affixed to the motorized watercraft. (Lineal descendants are defined as direct descendants of the Leaseholder; such as children, grandchildren, and so on.) (Motorized watercraft includes, but is not limited to: motorboats, airboats, jet skis, wave runners and hovercraft.)  Each year prior to a Leaseholder and/or lineal descendant using/operating any type of motorized watercraft on the Lake, the Leaseholder and/or lineal descendant must provide Langdon Lake Association office with a copy of each watercraft’s current proof of ownership along with a current certificate of insurance evidencing general watercraft liability coverage in an amount of no less than $500,000 naming Langdon Lake Association as an additional insured. Such liability insurance coverage must be primary and non-contributory with any insurance coverage maintained by Langdon Lake Association, must provide for waiver of subrogation rights as to Langdon Lake Association, and must provide that thirty (30) days advance written notice of any cancellation or reduction in insurance coverage will be given to Langdon Lake Association. The failure to comply with the foregoing insurance related requirements may result in the imposition of a fine against the Leaseholder and/or in the Leaseholder and/or lineal descendant being barred and prohibited from using the Lake for motorized watercraft use during the period of non-compliance. In summary:
  2. a. The Leaseholder and/or lineal descendant must furnish proof of ownership of the watercraft to the LLA office.
  3. b. The Leaseholder and/or lineal descendant must furnish proof to the LLA office the watercraft has liability insurance.
  4. c. Upon proof of ownership and liability insurance – LLA will issue a sticker to be affixed to the watercraft by the LLA Caretaker.
  5. d. Motorboats and/or motorized personal watercraft operating on the Lake without a sticker dated     2023 or later will be directed to leave the Lake and Lake water privileges may be suspended.
  6. 10.2 Non-motorized watercraft (row boats, small boats with electric motors, canoes) and motorboats with an engine under 10 horsepower are exempt from the proof of ownership and liability insurance requirements stated in 10.1.  The Leaseholder still must contact the LLA office to request a sticker to be affixed to the watercraft by the LLA Caretaker.

10.3 No wake boats are allowed on Langdon Lake. A wake boat is any watercraft that is designed or otherwise outfitted with equipment to create large wakes such as, without limitation, boats that have bladders installed which can be filled with water.

10.4. Motorized watercraft shall generally be required to operate in a counterclockwise direction and be at least 100 feet from shore for safety and to help prevent Lake bank erosion. Electric and manually powered watercraft is exempt from this restriction.

10.5 No motorized watercraft shall be permitted on the Lake prior to 10:00 A.M. and all motorized watercrafts shall be off the Lake prior to 6:00 P.M., except for the express purpose to put in or take out using the community dock.  The motorized watercraft must proceed directly to their dock or the community dock at a maximum speed of 5 mph if outside the normal operating hours of 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Electric and manually powered watercraft are exempt from this rule.  This guideline was developed with advice from Lake members, and it is your Board of Directors hope that it will provide the most equitable use of our Lake by all members.

10.6 Speeds shall be reasonable and safe for the conditions existing on the lake.  Unsafe activity on the lake may result in a fine and the loss of lake privileges.

10.7 The Oregon State Marine Board Watercraft Regulations are lengthy and complex. Leaseholders are expected to be aware they are responsible for their family and guests. The Board acknowledges the State of Oregon Watercraft Regulations and has adopted them as our guidelines. Langdon Lake is a small and private lake.

10.8 Overnight docking at the community dock is prohibited.

10.9 Docking at the community dock is on a first come, first served basis.

  1. 11. Animals

11.1 No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind may be kept on any lot except household pets not kept for a commercial purpose. Leaseholders shall be responsible for clean up after their domestic pets.

11.2 No unruly, loud or misbehaving animal may be kept at the Lake. If a member’s pet causes a problem of safety or nuisance, and that occurrence is reported, the owner will be sent a written notification of the pet’s infraction. Damage caused by such pets shall be the responsibility of the respective owners thereof.  Members and their guests are required to keep their pets on their own home site unless they are leashed or under their direct supervision. This restriction applies to all pets of any size or temperament.

  1. 12. Horses

12.1 The Association provides corrals for horses near Lot J with other equipment for the care and feeding of horses. These facilities are available to members and their guests, with certain stipulations:

12.2 Tollgate Historical Society is providing the land and some of the initial expenses for the horse project. Reservations should be made 1 week in advance with the Caretaker.

12.3 Reservations for a period longer than 3 days may only be made with prior Board approval.

12.4 Members who use these facilities are responsible for the care, feeding, security and general safety of their animals as well as other members and their guests. Corrals should be cleaned daily with the member’s own tools. All water buckets will be provided by the member using the corrals. All reservations will be handled by the Association caretaker.

12.5 The Association assumes no responsibility for the use of the corrals by members. The user assumes full and complete responsibility for this facility.

12.6 Cleanup is totally the responsibility of the members using the facility.

12.7 Horses are not allowed to wade into or swim in the waters of Langdon Lake.

  1. 13. Conduct

13.1 Music, radios, televisions, stereos, etc. are to be kept at a volume that will not disturb others. Nuisance behavior or offensive language shall not be permitted. The Lake is for all family members and their guests.

14. Snowmobiles

14.1 Snowmobiles are not permitted on the lake after the end of winter and the first spring thaw
a. A penalty of $5,000.00 will be assessed to the snowmobile cabin site owner. Cabin site leaseholders are responsible for their guests. A guest riding a snowmobile on the lake will cause the cabin owner to receive a $5,000.00 fine. Non-payment of the fine will cause a $5,000.00 lien to be placed on the cabin owner’s lease site. Also, a copy of the penalty will be sent to the cabin site’s insurance company as notification of the incident for their files.
b. Further, Langdon Lake Association members have agreed to follow the State of Oregon Marine Board’s safe boating regulations. Copies of this penalty action would be sent to the State of Oregon for their files and action.
c. An appeal process will require a non-refundable application fee of $500.00.
d. Please understand there will be no exception to the above rule. There is no grace period.
e. Snowmobiles are not to run over or use as ramps any public or private decks/docks.

14.2 Snowmobiles, snow-cats and other winter transportation vehicles are not permitted at cabin sites after the end of winter. These vehicles must be removed from lake property or stored in buildings or space rented from the Tollgate Historical Society for summer storage.

  1. 15. Wi-Fi Use

15.1 Individual WI-FI coverage may be purchased by the Leaseholder. The Board has elected not to pursue a unified system.

  1. 16. Lawn Irrigation

16.1 Water from the domestic water system is not to be used to water lawns. A small horsepower portable pump may be used to utilize lake water for watering lawns.

  1. 17. Placement of Manufactured Homes on Lake Property

17.1 The Association will not allow manufactured homes to be placed on the Langdon Lake site.

  1. Policy Regarding Construction Noise

18.1 The Association allows motorized construction work Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Motorized construction work is only allowed on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

  1. 19. Leaseholders’ Compliance to Oregon Forestland–Urban Interface Fire
    Protection Act (SB360)

19.1 All Leaseholders should comply with the certification requirements of SB360 (Senate Bill 360).

19.2 The Tollgate area is classified as a ‘high’ fire potential area in Umatilla County. Additional information regarding this act may be found on the Oregon Department of Forestry website. Highlights include:
a. Firewood and lumber piles should be at least 20 feet away from any structure, or preferably in an enclosed shed.
b. Firewood and lumber should be removed from under decks and stairways.
c. Dead branches over hanging any portion of the roof should be removed.
d. Trim all tree branches 10 feet away from a chimney that vents a wood burning fireplace or stove.
e. A 30-foot fuel break should be maintained around each cabin as property and lots allow.

  1. 20. Policy for Land-Based Docks
  2. 20.1 General:
    a. Deck/docks will not be larger than 12 feet by 12 feet.
    b. Deck materials shall be natural earth colors, browns and greens.
    c. Height of the deck shall be no greater than 2 inches above the natural ground of the property.
    d. Extension of the deck/dock shall not exceed 4 feet past the lake edge.
    e. Piers or objects from the deck into the water shall not exceed over 2 feet above the deck/dock floor.
  3.     1. Each and/or any extension above the deck/dock floor must be flagged in winter with a flag at least 6 feet tall.
    f. The deck/dock shall not have handrails or covered awnings.
    g. Any exceptions must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee.
    h. Snowmobiles are not to run over or use as ramps any public or private decks/docks.
  4. 21. Limiting Number of Fish Caught by Non-Leaseholders

21.1 The maximum number of fish that may be caught by guests of Leaseholders, if the Leaseholders not present, is six (6) for the entire group of guests.

  1. 22. Motorized Vehicle Use of Lake by Non-Lake Lot Leaseholders

22.1 Leaseholders of non-lake lots may use motorized vehicles on the lake during the boating season. The watercraft must be registered in the name of the Leaseholder and have a sticker attesting to that fact affixed to the watercraft.

  1. 23. Authorization to Lower Lake

23.1 Authorization to lower the level of the lake water may come only through the President of the Board of Directors, unless there is an emergency, which would then be under the control of the Caretaker.

  1. 24. USDA Forest Service use of Lake Water

24.1 In the event that the USDA Forest Service needs to use water from Langdon Lake, normally 50,000 – 60,000 gallons for firefighting, and recognizing the urgency of such a request, the Langdon Lake on-site caretaker and Office Business Manager can give approval along with the Langdon Lake Association President.

  1. 25. Snowplowing (added 2/13/2024)

25.1 Snowplowers’ need to be aware of water valve locations and take care not to damage any of the water or sewer system.  Displacement of gravel needs to be kept to a minimum.  The Leaseholder will be responsible for any damage and the labor costs to repair such damage.

25.2 Snow walls that exceed three feet in height must be marked with colored flags for the safety of snow mobiles.

25.3   Leaseholders who plow need to consider any impact on neighbors and take actions to mitigate any negative consequences of their plowing.

Thank you for your attention to these rules and guidelines.

The Langdon Lake Association Board of Directors