Langdon Lake Water Cooperative



June 29, 2024



Annual meeting of the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative was called to order by President Mark Graybeal at 9:00 AM, June 29, at the garage of the Tamarack Inn, 62388 Hwy 204, Weston, Oregon.

Members Present:  Mark Graybeal, Rob Davis, Patrick and Marianne Fisher, Seth and Anne Johnson, Chuck and Karen Zohner, Doug Corey, Mitch and Heidi Ellerd, Jim Wilson, and Dick Wurz.

All other members were not present.

Also present were Jerry Smith and Lynsey and Trever Ring.

NOTE: Per the Bylaws of the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative, Article III, Section 3.6 – thirty (30) percent of the total number of members must be present at the annual meeting to constitute a quorum. This meeting was held without a quorum.

President Mark Graybeal introduced Board members Rob Davis – Vice-President and Patrick Fisher – Secretary/Treasurer.


Minutes of the Annual Meeting on June 24, 2023, were approved.


Secretary/Treasurer Patrick Fisher reviewed financial statements for the 5-month period ending May 31, 2024.  Total operating expense budget for the year is $32,350.  This was an increase of just $750 over the prior year’s budget. The increased budget was due to accounting costs, insurance and property taxes.

Areas of Comment:

Accounting CPA Fees – are at 76% of the annual budget.  Tax preparation was the major increase this year at $450.  Not talking large amount of dollars as year-to-date cost is $532 with an annual budget of $700.

Lab Testing – is at 150% of the annual budget.  An amount of $525 year to date versus an annual budget of $350.  The State of Oregon is requiring additional testing that was not expected at the time of budget.

Total year to date expenses – excluding the capital reserve fund, are at 38% of the annual budget, which is close to the expected amount after 5 months.

On a separate note – the income statement shows the full amount of dues collected for the year in the amount of $32,350.  This amount is misleading as not all the dues have been collected. The accountant advises income is recognized when billed, not when received.  When payment is received, accounts receivable on the balance sheet is reduced and cash is increased.  As of 5/30/24, the financial statements still indicate $12,064 in accounts receivable.  However, several dues were paid in June leaving just 6 cabins past due in the amount of $3,510.

Mark Graybeal noted there was a new cap was put on the Bryson cistern in September, 2023 at a cost of $4500.  He advised there are no known issues to fix this year and no plans for major projects.

Members present voted unanimously to accept the financial review as presented.


Ratification and Confirmation of Actions of the Officers and Directors for the Past Year. Members voted unanimously to ratify and confirm the actions of the officers and directors for the past year.

Annual Water Report was given to all members present on the back on the agenda for the Water Coop meeting.  A test is normally done four times per year for Coliform Bacteria.  There was a bad test in November of 2022.  The State of Oregon sent a notice on February 14, 2023 advising that a coliform bacteria test needed to be submitted every month for the next year beginning in March 2023 due to the failed test.  The test done on March 6, 2023 was good.  However, there was another failed test in November 2023 and again in February 2024. Mark Graybeal explained that it is unknown why there are failed tests.  Tests done immediately after the failed test at the same place will be passing tests. Don’t believe there is an issue with poor water quality.  The monthly tests were to expire in March 2024 and the Water Coop would have gone back to quarterly tests. However, with the failures in November and February – the State of Oregon advised monthly testing would be required for another year, although they might conduct a personal visit in November 2024.


Cabin Winterization – Jerry Smith, Caretaker, reminded everyone to make sure water lines are insulated in the winter and recommended turning off the water if leaving for an extended period of time in the winter.

Jerry Smith also reminded owners the importance of not damaging or removing the water markers placed in the winter time for the location of the water turn off valves.  Marianne Fisher suggested a ‘textly message’ be sent out next year when the markets at installed.

Karen Zohner asked for another testing on the Bryson Spring water.  Last year the Water Cooperative did a testing in Chuck Zohner’s name with the Water Cooperative paying for the test.  The Board agreed to test the water again.

Election of Directors

The term of directors for the Water Cooperative shall expire at each annual meeting. Mark Graybeal, Rob Davis, and Patrick Fisher indicated they were willing to serve another term.  There were no other nominations. The three were unanimously approved by members present.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 AM.


Respectfully submitted,

Patrick Fisher
