Upon proper notice, the Annual Meeting of Langdon Lake Homeowners Association was called to order by President Rob Davis at 10:03 AM, June 29th, 2024, at the Tamarack Inn Garage 62388 Hwy 204 Weston, Oregon.
Members Present: Jeff Armatrout, Bruce and Kay Barga, Jacque Brock, Doug Corey, Rob Davis, Mitch and Heidi Ellerd, Patrick and Marianne Fisher, Dave and April Flint, Dale Freeman, Mark Graybeal, Allen Hendon, Patrick Jackson, Mary Johnson, Seth and Ann Johnson, Tim and Janelle Klashke, Everette and Everette Knudsen, Liz and Zeno Marvin, Ryan Mathwich, Erik McLaughlin, Donald Moody, Seth Small, Dan and Melissa Thiessen, Bruce Verburg, Jim Wilson, Richard and Colleen Wurz, Chuck and Karen Zohner.
All other members were not present.
Also present were Jerry Smith, Trever and Lynsey Ring
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously passed that the minutes of the June 24th, 2023, Annual Meeting of Members be approved as distributed.
a. Ratification and confirmation of actions of the officers and directors for the past year. No Discussion. It was moved, seconded and unanimously passed to ratify and confirm all actions of the officers and directors for the past year.
b. Financial Review. Patrick Fisher gave a financial overview as follows. The is a $10,000 increase to the budget from last year. This is due to the increase in salaries, fish stock, insurance, maintenance, legal fees, and property taxes. There was an unexpected and unbudgeted snowmobile expense due to the Caretaker’s snowmobile needing its engine rebuilt. Also, the Wastewater Treatment facility exceeded its $4,000 budget by $142. These excess amounts will be reimbursed from the appropriate reserve funds. There was an increase in miscellaneous income due to fees collected due to fireworks violations this year.
•On 5/1/2024 the existing money market account was closed, and a new money market account was opened at Umpqua Bank. The previous account had $53,000 in it and was earning at a rate of .03%. The new Umpqua Bank Money Market Account is earning 4% interest. In addition to the $53,000 funds were pulled from the various reserve accounts to make the opening balance $183,000.
•Q/A regarding financial overview.
•Seth Small questioned the increase in legal fees and asked if the Board believed that legal fees would continue to increase. Board members explained that the legal fees increase was primarily attributable to pending litigation brought against the LLA by a Leaseholder and fully unrelated Leaseholder property maintenance compliance matters. It was further explained by Board members that there is no way to accurately predict whether legal fees would continue to increase, but the Board did believe that some progress was being made towards resolving the above-described matters.
•Janelle Klashke stated and provided kudos and big thanks to Patrick Fisher for his time and efforts in assisting with the LLA’s financial matters.
a. Election of Directors
President Davis reported there are three director positions open for a five-year term. This first position was held by Eric McLaughlin who is no longer a leaseholder at Langdon Lake. The second position is held by Mary Johnson, and the third by Tim Klashke. Corey Lowe and Brandon King were nominated for open position one; Mary Johnson and Erik Knudsen were nominated for open position two; and Tim Klashke was nominated for open position three with no other candidates nominated for such position. After voting ballots were distributed and counted, the election results were as follows: Corey Lowe was elected to position one, Erik Knudsen was elected to position two, and Tim Klashke was elected and will remain in position three. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously passed that all three of these newly-elected directors would serve five-year terms.
b.Report of Wastewater Treatment Facility Committee-Jerry Smith
• Jerry reports that they have worked to fix the infiltration of snowmelt into the wastewater system. This should reduce the flow. The DEQ watches closely, there is a certain amount of flow allowed and that is 6,800 gallons per day. This most recent repair has substantially cut down on flow rates, and a future repair at a ‘Y’ joint near Dick Wurz should help as well. Jerry explained that the Wastewater System was built by Anderson Perry based on a 30% occupancy rate and that, if multiple families decided to live at Langdon Lake, the presently permissible flow rate would be exceeded and LLA would then be required to upgrade the capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Facility.
• Grinder Stations. Jerry would like to strongly encourage everyone to do preventive maintenance and cleaning one or two times a year. If the grinder pump fails that means the homesite will be unable to use the toilet. In an emergency members could use the adjacent campground facilities. Members can contact professional contractors such as Pendleton Electric or A-1 Plumbing to help repair and maintain the grinder pumps. If the alarm goes off, members can call Jerry and he may be able to troubleshoot over the phone. The best thing to do would be to open up the system and clean it. Keep the floats clear of debris so they can continue to float and function. Lynsey will send out step-by-step instructions on how to clean the grinder pumps.
c. Additional Comments from Caretaker, Jerry Smith
• There may be grants available from the County/State for making Langdon Lake a more wildfire safe area. The Umatilla Fire and Rescue Unit recently did a cursory walk-around inspection of all LLA cabin homesites and they compiled and provided Jerry with a list of recommended actions that homesite Leaseholders could take to create more defensible space from wildfire. They are also willing to provide free direct assistance to any Leaseholder on a first-come-first-serve basis. Following their recommendations will help LLA with the Firewise Program and may possibly help Leaseholders with insurance coverage. Jerry and Lynsey will make the above-referenced Homesite specific recommendations available to applicable Leaseholders.
• Jerry has also been working with the Oregon Department of Forestry to get a grant for the thinning of the reserve property south of the lake. Jerry, Jim Wilson, and Justin Lauer toured the area. Justin is working on plotting the area. Jerry has contacted several different loggers to get quotes to the thinning done. The timing for this grant ends in May of 2025 so he would like to have this done by November 2024.
• Winterization of cabins. As discussed during the Landon Lake Water Cooperative meeting, members are reminded not to move the water valve markers in the wintertime. This will save time, money, and energy if there is a leak and the Caretaker and/or workers shut the water off quickly. Also, members would be prudent to overkill the winterization of their cabins. Jerry suggests wrapping pipes with new heat tape and insulation, especially if the old tape and insulation is looking worn. When possible, turn off the water to your cabin and place RV antifreeze in your P-traps. Jerry cautioned that the entire system is fragile. One cabin with a break in the line can drain the entire system.
• Jeff Armatrout asked if anyone notices a rusty taste in the drinking water. A few members mentioned that they noticed it too. Jerry explained that is due to the old galvanized and steel piping. The only way to solve that is to replace the piping in your cabin or explore the purchase and installation of a water filtration system.
• Jerry has started the lake treatment a little late this season due to more runoff this year.
• There is a new mosquito treatment that Jerry is using. It’s a lifesaver shaped disc that targets mosquito larvae. Once sunk in the lake it dissolves in about 30 days. Jerry put them in the water on 6/13/2024.
d. Reports of Rules Committee- Marianne Fisher
Marianne wanted to remind everyone that no fireworks are allowed at Langdon Lake. This winter a few people were fined because they were not familiar with the rules. Marianne reminded members that they can ask a neighbor, call a Board member, or call the office if they have questions about rules and guidelines. Marianne also reported that there were several canoes from the campground in the lake. She reminded all that motorized crafts need a sticker every year once insurance information is provided and non-motorized only need a sticker if they don’t already have one (See Rules 10.1 and 10.2 for details).
e. Comments From President Rob Davis
President Rob Davis expressed that it has been a pleasure to serve on the Board. He asked that all be responsible, get along and enjoy the community.
f.Comments From Members
• Patrick Jackson expresses concern over obtaining liability insurance. He was dropped by multiple companies in a row once they determined the property was located in a fire risk area. Patrick was wondering if other Leaseholders would be willing to share what insurance they have had success in obtaining. David Flint mentioned that having a firetruck on site may help with this issue.
• Jeff Armatrout asked if the Board still planned on lowering lake levels for shore maintenance and dock repairs. Jerry Smith explained that any digging or work done below the high-water mark requires extensive permitting to be done through multiple agencies including DEQ and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. However, fixing his dock should not fall into this category. The Board will discuss the lake levels at its next meeting.
• Seth Small requested that the LLA Board Meeting Minutes be sent out quarterly so members are apprised of decisions regarding LLA.
• Seth Small also asked to be provided with specific details and information regarding the above-mentioned pending litigation, and Board members responded by explaining that, while the court-filed pending lawsuit pleadings were a matter of public record and copies of the pleadings could be made available to any LLA member who requested copies, no specific details or other information regarding the litigation could be discussed or provided per the advice and direction of the LLA’s and Board’s legal counsel, but that the Board would check with legal counsel and provide the membership with additional information and details if authorized by legal counsel.
• Colleen Wurz stated that she felt there could be a financial impact to LLA members resulting from the above-referenced pending litigation.
• Heidi Ellerd stated that she understood why the Board was unable to provide specific information and details about the above-referenced pending litigation, and that the Board was elected to address those types of issues on behalf of the membership.
• Dick Wurz is frustrated with the lake level and the damage it is causing to his 50-year-old dock. The increase of the lake level by two to three inches makes a big difference. He is concerned that the dock may just float away. Dick said that some homesites can’t use their yards because the ground water coming up with the lake level. The Board explained that this year is an experiment with the new overflow system to find the optimal level for everyone. They will continue to look for a solution that works for all members.
• Seth Johnson asked about adding boards and wooden debris from construction to the burn pile. Jerry explained that an excavator comes to clean up the area after he burns it. He has found all sorts of screws, nails, and other items that could easily puncture an excavator tire. He even found mattress springs in the pile. Because of this, only burnable yard debris could be added to the burn pile.
• On behalf of the LLA and its Board, Zeno Marvin wanted to thank Jerry Smith for trying to meet the needs of everyone at the lake.
• Karen Zohner let everyone know that she and Bob McMillian have continued to work on the history of Langdon Lake area. They have compiled a binder that is present at this meeting for people to look at. The binder has been scanned to a digital file and is awaiting publishing. They continue to add more information as research continues.
There being no further business, President Davis adjourned the meeting 11:37 AM after the adjournment was motioned, seconded, and unanimously passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynsey Ring
Recording Secretary