Boating Rules 10.1 through 10.3 have been amended. Please review these changes at your earliest convenience.
Posted Friday May 26, 2023
Posted Friday May 26, 2023
Boating Rules 10.1 through 10.3 have been amended. Please review these changes at your earliest convenience.
Posted Friday May 26, 2023
The 2023 Langdon Lake Association Annual Meeting of Members and the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, June 24th, 2023, at the Tollgate Trailfinders Clubhouse -62369 Hwy. 204, Weston, Oregon.
A community BBQ and potluck is also scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on June 24th. Details can be found in the Annual Meeting notice or by calling the Langdon Lake Association office. Please RSVP to this event no later than June 10th.
Posted Friday July 22, 2022
Please follow the link below to review the updated ODF Regulated Closure Proclamation. The fourth bullet point now allows for propane fire pits. Please take special note of the required criteria for these pits within the notice.
Posted Friday July 22, 2022
The Langdon Lake Association Annual Meeting of Members and the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Saturday, August 13, 2022, at the Tollgate Trailfinders Clubhouse -62369 Hwy. 204, Weston, Oregon.
Posted Friday July 16, 2021
Effective 7/16/2021 the Umatilla National Forest Lands are closed due to extreme fire danger. Access to your Langdon Lake cabin is still allowed, however it is advised that you and your guests carefully review the closure information provided in the link below, including the full release before traveling to Langdon Lake.
Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center (
Full Release:
Posted Monday July 12, 2021
Oregon Department of Forestry has updated the fire restrictions effective 7/9/2021. Please clink on the link below to review this information. To ignore these restrictions may result in a fine of $1,000.00.
Posted Thursday June 24, 2021
Oregon Department of Forestry has implemented fire restrictions effective today. Please clink on the link below to review this information. To ignore these restrictions may result in a fine of $1,000.00.
Posted Monday June 21, 2021
Langdon Lake Association is sending all homeowners these important reminders for safety during the summer months. The Association wishes all an enjoyable, relaxing and safe 2021 summer at the Lake.
In 2019, the Langdon Lake Association Board of Directors adopted the following rules regarding open fires at Langdon Lake. These rules are listed in the current 2020 Winter Directory, pages 5-7.
The Langdon Lake Association website will also give updated information of burning.
Note that while open burning and fire pit burning are not allowed when the signs are posted, portable stoves, cooking devices and barbeques that use propane or liquid gas are permitted.
Langdon Lake Association has adopted the State of Oregon Watercraft Regulations as our guidelines. Please refer to Pages 9-10 in the Langdon Lake Rules and Guidelines booklet. Several highlights:
The 4th of July Holiday is fast approaching. Please remember that there are no fireworks of any kind allowed on homesite property, common areas, reserved areas or over the lake at any time. This is referenced on Page 6 of the Langdon Lake Rules and Guidelines booklet. Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July!
Posted Friday May 21, 2021
Mark your calendars! This year’s Annual Homeowners Meeting is scheduled to be held Saturday August 21st, 2021. More details to follow.
Posted Wednesday December 2, 2020
Do not follow closely behind trail groomers:
It takes one hour after grooming for the snow surface to properly “set-up.”
Always ride in a straight line on groomed trails, spinning and sliding on the trails is dangerous.
Always ride on the right-hand side of trails.
Use hand signals for slowing, stopping, or turning off trails for your own safety and the safety of others on the trail.
Adjust your speed for visibility and trail conditions to maintain safety.
You should always allow plenty of distance to stop for any obstruction or emergency that might occur in front of you.
Do not stop in the middle of the trail:
other snowmobile riders may not see you in time to avoid a collision.
If you must stop, pull to the right edge of the trails.
Always use headlight. Your headlight must be on at all times!
Do not use drugs or alcohol before or during your ride!
Drunk driving laws apply the same to snowmobiles as they do on the highway.
Do not go out riding alone.
Ride in pairs and inform someone where you will be riding and the estimated time of return.
Ride cautiously in Sno-Parks, near cabins and crossing highways.
Please obey the 5 MPH speed limit in snow parks. Remember obstacles, pedestrians, and vehicles can appear suddenly in congested areas. Extra care should be taken while riding within Langdon Lake area.
Remember: snowmobiles are NOT allowed on State Highways!
Snowmobile speed limit for trails within Langdon Lake is 10 MPH. Please be respectful of riding near cabins at Langdon Lake. The speed limit on the frozen lake is 40 MPH.
Avoid “showing off” near Sno-Parks, lodges and within Langdon Lake property.
Look out for those sharing the trails with snowmobiles.
You will be sharing the trails with cross-country skiers, snowshoers, sled dog teams, groomers and
others that may be on the trails at any time;
Slow to 10 MPH,
pass cautiously and do be courteous and congenial.
Avoid the use of loud mufflers, especially within Langdon Lake!
This projects a bad image with Association members and other riders.
Do not ride near Langdon Lake cabins!
Always dress appropriately for adverse weather and remember:
Helmets are required at all times!
Remember: Riding at 30 MPH, at 30 degrees, the wind chill factor is zero! At 60 MPH, at 30 degrees, the wind chill factor is –20!
Always be prepared.
Always carry: extra spark plugs, belts and tools, a shovel, trail maps, drinking water, snacks, socks, waterproof matches, space blanket, compass.
Know the area in which you are riding.
Talk with the nature trail riders.
Check local residents and merchants who will be happy to discuss local conditions, etc.
Remember: locals will be more congenial before you hit the trail than as a rescue party!
Observe and comply with posted areas: (Wilderness fines $250.00 36CFR261.16a).
Just one set of tracks in the wilderness can last until the next snowfall and leave a telltale sign for opposition to motorized sports and a pinpoint for arguments for land and forest service road closures.
Be aware of snow depth and trail conditions.
Please do not ride on muddy trails. Avoid damaging soil and vegetation!
Preserve our trails for others to have fun but leave no trace.
Licensing and Permits:
Anyone operating a snowmobile on public land is required to carry a valid driver’s license or a valid snowmobile permit. Be familiar with public land use regulations, as well as local and state laws regarding snowmobile riding!
The minimum age for driving a snowmobile on Lake property is 8 years old.
Rules Committee
Langdon Lake Association