Below is a copy of the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Regulated Closure Proclamation, which is now in effect.
There are no designated locations on Langdon Lake property for open fires during a Regulated Closure. Jerry has posted the “No Burn” signs at the Kiosk (Gatehouse) building and on Langdon Lake property at the first entrance road just past Woodward Park. The ODF sign is located near the main entrance to the Lake.
Additional terms of the Regulated Closure:
* Mowing of dry, cured grass with power driven equipment is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
* Non-industrial use of chain saws is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
Please read the Regulated Closure Proclamation carefully and share with family and guests.
Number 01
Effective 12:01 a.m., PDT, July 31,2020
By virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of ORS 477.535 to 477.550, I
hereby proclaim a Regulated Closure to be in effect in the following subject area:
All lands protected by the Northeast Oregon Forest Protection District and all
forestland within one-eighth mile thereof.
Under this Regulated Closure it is unlawful to be in violation of the following restrictions:
. Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except in vehicles on improved roads, in boats on the
water or at a cleared area free of flammable vegetation.
. Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoalfires, cooking fires and warming
fires, except at designated locations. Designated locations within the Regulated Use
Closure area are available at each ODF office. Designated locations within the Oregon
State Parks system include but are not limited to: Emiqrant Sprinqs, Ukiah Dale, Catherine
Creek, Hilqard Junction, Red Bridqe, Wallowa Lake, Minam and Unitv Lakg.
. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. Open fires may be
allowed by waiver through a written order, if, in the judgement of the forester, conditions so
. Non-lndustrial use of chain saws is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Chain saw use is permitted at all other hours, if the following fire fighting equipment is present
with each operating saw: one axe, one shovel, and one 8 ounce or larger fire extinguisher.
ln addition, a fire watch is required at least one hour following the use of each saw.
. Possession of the following fire fighting equipment is required while traveling, except on state
highways, county roads and driveways: one shovel and one gallon of water or one 2 1/2 pound
or larger fire extinguisher.
. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is prohibited, between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and
8:00 p.m. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is permitted at all other hours, if conducted
in a cleared area and if a water supply is present.
. The mowing of dry, cured grass with power driven equipment is prohibited between the hours
of 12.OO p.m. and 8:00 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural
. Any electric fence controller in use shall be: 1) Listed be a nationally recognized testing
laboratory or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services; and 2)
Operated in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions.
. Use of fireworks is prohibited.
Aside from these restrictions, also prohibited throughout fire season is the use of exploding
targets and tracer ammunition. Debris burning is prohibited, except in burn barrels for which a
Burning Permit has been issued pursuant to ORS 477.515.
The Forester may, in writing, approve a modification or waiver of these requirements.
These restrictions shall remain in effect until replaced, suspended, or terminated by an additional
proclamation of the Forester.
Maps of the subject area may be viewed at the State Forester’s Office, in Salem, Oregon, and
at principal offices of the Forest Protection District.
Definitions of words and phrases used in this proclamation may be found in ORS 477.001, OAR
Joe Hessel, District Forester
Northeast Oregon District
Oregon Department of Forestry
July 27,2020
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