Langdon Lake Water Cooperative



June 24, 2023




Annual meeting of the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative was called to order by Secretary/Treasurer Patrick Fisher at 9:00 AM, June 24, at the garage of the Tamarack Inn, 62388 Hwy 204, Weston, Oregon.

Members Present:  Rob Davis, Patrick and Marianne Fisher, Dale Freeman, Erik McLaughlin, Dick Wurz, Doug Corey, John Duff, Seth Johnson, Bruce Barga, Austin Bingamen, Chuck and Karen Zohner.

All other members were not present.

Also present were Jerry Smith and Lynsey and Trever Ring.

NOTE: Per the Bylaws of the Langdon Lake Water Cooperative, Article III, Section 3.6 – thirty (30) percent of the total number of members must be present at the annual meeting to constitute a quorum. This meeting was held without a quorum.

Secretary/Treasurer introduced Board member Rob Davis – Vice-President. President Mark Graybeal was out of town.


Minutes of the Annual Meeting on August 13, 2022, were approved.


Secretary/Treasurer Patrick Fisher reviewed financial statements for the 5-month period ending May 31, 2023.  Total operating expense budget for the year is $31,600.  This was an increase of $7035 over the prior year’s budget.

There was an increase of $7305 in the Capital Improvement Fund budget expense from $375 a year to $7680 a year.  The increased amount of the Capital Improvement Fund is greater than the total budget increase – which means there was a decrease in other expenses.

The Capital Reserve Fund are those monies used to improve the water systems.  The funds were depleted in 2018 with the replacement of the Betty Lou main line at a cost of $37,800.  There was only $1375 in the fund last year.  There was a discussion among members at the meeting in 2022 with the majority of members agreeing it would be prudent to increase the annual dues by $10-$15 per month until a specified amount of reserve was reached.  A suggestion from one of the members was $100,000. The Board took this under advisement and budgeted for an assessment of $10 per month per cabin until the fund reaches $100,000.

On a separate note – the income statement shows the full amount of dues collected for the year in the amount of $31,600.  That amount is misleading as the cooperative has $8638 (16 leaseholders) in past due water bills that has not been paid for the year. The accountant advises “the reporting is done on an accrual basis.”  Income is recognized when billed – not when received.  When a payment is received, accounts receivable on the balance sheet is reduced and cash is increased.

There are no major plans for this year.

Members present voted unanimously to accept the financial review as presented.


Ratification and Confirmation of Actions of the Officers and Directors for the Past Year. Members voted unanimously to ratify and confirm the actions of the officers and directors for the past year.

Annual Water Report was given to all members present on the back on the agenda for the Water Coop meeting.  A test is normally done four times per year for Coliform Bacteria.  There was one bad test last fall.  The next test was clear.  However, due to some miscommunication, State of Oregon required tests done on a monthly basis for a year. The monthly tests will expire in March 2024 and Water Coop will go back to quarterly tests. Test is done once a year for Nitrate.

Bryson Spring cistern – The cement top of the Bryson Spring cistern, which services the four cabins north of 204, was discussed last year as it shows some signs of deterioration.  Jerry Smith contacted Thacker Construction regarding a bid to re-seal the top of the cistern.  Corey Thacker proposed to encase the whole structure in new concrete and build a ‘jacket’ around it. Rough estimate was $20,000 to $25,000.  The Board believed that proposal was more than what is needed, was too high and there is no imminent danger.  Board will obtain further proposals.


Cabin Winterization – Jerry Smith, Caretaker, discussed cabin winterization.  He recommended:

  1.   Make sure water lines are insulated and heat tape is working
  2.   Turning off the water if leaving for several weeks
  3.   Turning off toilets if not being used and putting in antifreeze
  4.   If there is a water valve or pipe out of ground – place stakes around
  5.   Have an emergency key for the service valve – so will be able to turn off water to the cabin if there is a           leak

He recommended if the cabin will not be used for 2-3 months to turn off the water.  Advised the most important thing is to make sure the water lines are insulated, and heat tape is used.  He advised the crawl space is the most vulnerable and where most breaks occur.  Need to ensure those pipes are properly insulated.

Bryson Spring Water Testing and Water Pressure – Chuck Zohner asked about test results on water from the Bryson Spring cistern.  Jerry Smith advised the Oregon Drinking Water personnel did not include the Bryson Spring as part of Langdon Lake.  The Board discussed after the meeting and decision made Water Cooperative will pay for the testing and do the testing in Zohner’s name. Chuck also advised not much water pressure.  Jerry Smith said could turn up pressure – but was reluctant because of the age of the water line between the pump house and Zohner’s cabin.  Board discussed and asked Jerry to turn up the pressure.  Board is not taking any further action at this time.  Jerry Smith also advised that an old Bryson Spring water line that went to the lake has been disconnected.

Cistern Sediment – Jerry Smith advised there may be some sediment in the cisterns and at some point, they would need cleaned.  Board discussed and is taking no further action at this time as the water tests indicate no issue with the water.

Election of Directors

The term of directors for the Water Cooperative shall expire at each annual meeting. Mark Graybeal, Rob Davis, and Patrick Fisher indicated they were willing to serve another term.  There were no other nominations. The three were unanimously approved by members present.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick Fisher
